Careers and stakeholders
Typical professional profiles for graduates of this programme will be:
a) Business consultant or administration, finance and control manager
"Target positions for graduates": business consultant with special expertise, providing assistance in business administration and tax and legal matters with regard to extraordinary operations; administration, finance and control manager for businesses, public entities or non-profit organisations.
"Job function": he/she provides advanced consultancy and professional services in the area of business design; support companies in their accounting and financial reporting activities, on behalf of private clients; carries out advanced economic and financial assessments in case of extraordinary operations of varying complexity; controls the accounts and financial statements of private or public companies, and supervise their performance by serving as member of the board of auditors or as statutory auditor; may be appointed as trustee, receiver, liquidator, attestor or member of over-indebtedness crisis settlement bodies (known in Italian as O.C.C., Organismi di composizione della crisi da sovraindebitamento) in insolvency proceedings, provided that he/she meets the corresponding requirements pursuant to the relevant legislation after earning his/her Master's degree; may serve as member of Independent Evaluation Bodies (Organismi Indipendenti di Valutazione, OIV), Independent Evaluation Units (Nuclei di Valutazione, NdV) or Supervisory Bodies (Organismi di Vigilanza, OdV), pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, subject to fulfilment of the specific legal requirements for such positions; provides financial consulting to enterprises and entrepreneurs;
provide tax and business administration consultancy, based on its knowledge of the legal aspects of the operations treated; carries out economic and financial analyses to support company operations, as well as assessments on compliance, quality control procedures, sustainability and corporate social responsibility; provides consultancy on the application of organisational models and human resources management, as well on business administration, also with regard to work relationships, advisory services for organisation and companies regarding the correct management of tax aspects, and consultancy on insolvency matters, also with a view to preventing company risks.
"Professional skills": the set of knowledge, competencies and skills, including soft skills, acquired during the programme (such as data analysis, drafting of budgets and reports, auditing, drafting and interpretation of consolidated financial statements and accounts compiled according to national and international accounting standards) is usually applied in the above-mentioned work contexts, enabling graduates to provide consultancy services in the area of business administration, with particular expertise in tax law, company law, insolvency law, labour law, business criminal law and contract law.
"Career opportunities": professional firms and auditing companies providing consultancy services with regard to taxes and revenues, accounting, business administration and insolvency proceedings to organisations, companies and individuals, advisory firms and commercial, manufacturing or service businesses looking for expertise and skills in the areas of management, accounting, organisation, labour, finance, management control and planning, auditing, design and management of intra- and inter-organisational networks; crisis settlement bodies (O.C.C.); supervisory and evaluation bodies.
b) Corporate legal and business consultant
"Target positions for graduates": consultant with special expertise, providing assistance in business administration and tax and legal matters with regard to extraordinary operations; middle manager in charge of administration, finance and control at businesses, public entities or non-profit organisations.
"Job function": he/she provides advisory services on business administration and tax and legal matters with regard to operations on a national or European scale; carries out economic and financial analyses in the frame of extraordinary operation, or to support transfer pricing decisions; carries out assessments on compliance, quality control procedures, sustainability and corporate social responsibility; provides business consultancy on matters linked to work relationships and social security, tax consultancy to organisations, companies and individuals, as well as consultancy on business and insolvency matters to organisations and entities, also with a view to preventing business risks; assists companies in drafting contracts governed by EU law.
"Professional skills": the set of knowledge, competencies and skills, including soft skills, acquired during the programme is usually applied in the above-mentioned work contexts, enabling graduates to provide business administration and legal consultancy services, with particular expertise in tax law, company law, insolvency law, labour law, business criminal law, contract law and EU competition law.
"Career opportunities": at national and international auditing firms; management and strategy consultancy firms; companies specialising in business and tax advisory services; commercial, manufacturing or service businesses, public entities or non-profit organisations.
The programme trains:
- Management and control experts for private companies
- Accounting experts
- Tax advisors
- Specialists in the marketing of goods and services (ICT sector excluded)
- Legal experts for companies
- Business administration specialists
Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
a) Business consultant or administration, finance and control manager
"Target positions for graduates": business consultant with special expertise, providing assistance in business administration and tax and legal matters with regard to extraordinary operations; administration, finance and control manager for businesses, public entities or non-profit organisations.
"Job function": he/she provides advanced consultancy and professional services in the area of business design; support companies in their accounting and financial reporting activities, on behalf of private clients; carries out advanced economic and financial assessments in case of extraordinary operations of varying complexity; controls the accounts and financial statements of private or public companies, and supervise their performance by serving as member of the board of auditors or as statutory auditor; may be appointed as trustee, receiver, liquidator, attestor or member of over-indebtedness crisis settlement bodies (known in Italian as O.C.C., Organismi di composizione della crisi da sovraindebitamento) in insolvency proceedings, provided that he/she meets the corresponding requirements pursuant to the relevant legislation after earning his/her Master's degree; may serve as member of Independent Evaluation Bodies (Organismi Indipendenti di Valutazione, OIV), Independent Evaluation Units (Nuclei di Valutazione, NdV) or Supervisory Bodies (Organismi di Vigilanza, OdV), pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, subject to fulfilment of the specific legal requirements for such positions; provides financial consulting to enterprises and entrepreneurs;
provide tax and business administration consultancy, based on its knowledge of the legal aspects of the operations treated; carries out economic and financial analyses to support company operations, as well as assessments on compliance, quality control procedures, sustainability and corporate social responsibility; provides consultancy on the application of organisational models and human resources management, as well on business administration, also with regard to work relationships, advisory services for organisation and companies regarding the correct management of tax aspects, and consultancy on insolvency matters, also with a view to preventing company risks.
"Professional skills": the set of knowledge, competencies and skills, including soft skills, acquired during the programme (such as data analysis, drafting of budgets and reports, auditing, drafting and interpretation of consolidated financial statements and accounts compiled according to national and international accounting standards) is usually applied in the above-mentioned work contexts, enabling graduates to provide consultancy services in the area of business administration, with particular expertise in tax law, company law, insolvency law, labour law, business criminal law and contract law.
"Career opportunities": professional firms and auditing companies providing consultancy services with regard to taxes and revenues, accounting, business administration and insolvency proceedings to organisations, companies and individuals, advisory firms and commercial, manufacturing or service businesses looking for expertise and skills in the areas of management, accounting, organisation, labour, finance, management control and planning, auditing, design and management of intra- and inter-organisational networks; crisis settlement bodies (O.C.C.); supervisory and evaluation bodies.
b) Corporate legal and business consultant
"Target positions for graduates": consultant with special expertise, providing assistance in business administration and tax and legal matters with regard to extraordinary operations; middle manager in charge of administration, finance and control at businesses, public entities or non-profit organisations.
"Job function": he/she provides advisory services on business administration and tax and legal matters with regard to operations on a national or European scale; carries out economic and financial analyses in the frame of extraordinary operation, or to support transfer pricing decisions; carries out assessments on compliance, quality control procedures, sustainability and corporate social responsibility; provides business consultancy on matters linked to work relationships and social security, tax consultancy to organisations, companies and individuals, as well as consultancy on business and insolvency matters to organisations and entities, also with a view to preventing business risks; assists companies in drafting contracts governed by EU law.
"Professional skills": the set of knowledge, competencies and skills, including soft skills, acquired during the programme is usually applied in the above-mentioned work contexts, enabling graduates to provide business administration and legal consultancy services, with particular expertise in tax law, company law, insolvency law, labour law, business criminal law, contract law and EU competition law.
"Career opportunities": at national and international auditing firms; management and strategy consultancy firms; companies specialising in business and tax advisory services; commercial, manufacturing or service businesses, public entities or non-profit organisations.
The programme trains:
- Management and control experts for private companies
- Accounting experts
- Tax advisors
- Specialists in the marketing of goods and services (ICT sector excluded)
- Legal experts for companies
- Business administration specialists
Employment statistics (Almalaurea)

Il corso dialoga con il territorio attraverso consultazione con le organizzazioni professionali, produttive e di servizio - a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale.